Morbid Anatomy at Broadcast Coffee
Morbid Anatomy at Otherworlds
Opening Reception Thursday October 16, 2014 6-8pm
Othwerworlds Facebook
Morbid Anatomy at Nautilus Studio
Morbid Anatomy has several pieces on display at the enchanting gallery of the Nautilus Studio in Georgetown. The proprietors, Yvette and Jethaniel, graciously welcome you to Art Attack every second Saturday of the month. For more info, please visit
Morbid Anatomy at ROCK THE TERMINAL IV “Twisted Love”
Morbid Anatomy will be one of over a hundred NW Alternative Artists featured at ROCK THE TERMINAL IV “Twisted Love” at Art//Not Terminal, Seattle! Join us for the Grand Opening and Artist Reception on Sat, Feb 2nd from 6pm – 9pm. Info at:
Morbid Anatomy is back for the entire month of October with a new show ‘Myst俊es de l’Esprit’ at American Pie in Georgetown! Stop in on Sat, October 8th for Georgetown’s monthly ART ATTACK and sink your teeth in…
American Pie is located at:
5633 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108
Closed Sunday and Monday
Next Morbid Anatomy Show will be during the month of August at Two Birds Tattoo in Greenwood, Seattle! Join us from 6-9pm for an Artist Reception on Friday, August 13th as part of this month’s Greenwood ArtWalk.
Two Birds Tattoo
7408 Greenwood Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103-5044
(206) 297-6005
Full details and info on
Morbid Anatomy artwork will be featured at Ghost Gallery all throughout the month of October, as part of the group showing ‘Anatomy Lessons’. Come meet Anita at the Artist Reception on Thursday, October 14th from 5-8pm and again on Saturday, October 30th for the costumed Halloween Party. Ghost Gallery is located in Capitol Hill, Seattle on 504 E. Denny Way.
Join Morbid Anatomy and Lily Munn for an evening of Art and Refreshments at Gargoyles Statuary on Friday, May 21st from 5-9pm.
Gargoyles Statuary
4550 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105-4511
(206) 632-4940
April @ Calamity Jane’s in Georgetown
Morbid Anatomy will be displaying piece after piece at Calamity Jane’s Restaurant and Bar in Seattle’s historic Georgetown neighborhood in April 2010. Join us for the Artist Reception and party between 6-9pm on Saturday, April 24th!
Calamity Jane’s
5701 Airport Way South
Seattle, WA 98108
March @ Starfish Studios
Morbid Anatomy continues the series of shadow boxes based on the ancient philosophy of Alchemy. Exploring the stage of Albedo, Anita will present thematic shadow boxes for one night only on Thursday, March 4th. Don’t miss out on this very special show!
Starfish Studios
619 Western Ave.
4th Floor, Seattle
Morbid Anatomy goes East!
Morbid Anatomy will be speaking at Templecon on Sunday, Feb 7th as part of the Neo-Victorian Art Symposium panel and vending both shadow boxes and greeting cards the entire weekend.
January at Retail Therapy
Next Morbid Anatomy art show is at Retail Therapy on Capitol Hill. Art work goes up on Sunday, January 10th and the Reception is on Thursday, January 14th from 6pm to 8pm as part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk. Join us for a glass of wine and say hello!
Haunted Holidays @ Motor – Dec 13th
Morbid Anatomy returns to Mourning Market for a very special ‘Haunted Holidays’ event on Sunday, Dec 13th from 12pm – 6pm. Join a venue-full of talent as we gear up for a most festive season.
JINX Art Space, Bellingham
Morbid Anatomy has pieces on display at JINX Art Space through November 20th as part of “Post-Mortem” Art Show. JINX Art Space is located at:
306 Flora St.
Bellingham, WA 98225
Tel. 360.920.4216
Live Girls! Theater, Seattle
Morbid Anatomy is honored to be showing work at Live Girls! Theater through November 14th in conjunction with their latest play, Bone Portraits, directed by Live Girls! Artistic Director Meghan Arnette:
In 1895, a scientist stumbles upon a light that illuminates what has never been seen, the inside of the human body healthy and whole. In flash, the X-ray is born. Lead by Edison through the fairs, festivals, and drawing rooms of the America of the 1890’s, Bone Portraits is a wild ride of old-time Vaudeville, Victorian romance, and Gothic horror, taking us back to this moment of discovery. Back to a time when scientific discoveries began to revolutionize society at a blistering pace, when the world split open like an atom and nothing could ever be seen the same way again.
Nigredo: Shadows and Dead Kings
Anita Arora returns to Victrola in October to launch a new series of shadow boxes based on the ancient philosophy of Alchemy. Focusing her work in a new direction, Anita takes us on a journey through the first of the three stages of the Great Alchemical Work..the stage known as Nigredo.
In practice, Nigredo is the alchemical process of transmutation of a base substance into a higher one. Nigredo is also the phase of conscious decomposition necessary to suffer in order to destroy that within ourselves that is no longer who we are. With images and objects, Anita presents symbolism of this passage and interpretation of her personal experiences in Nigredo.
Anita will be at Victrola for the Artist Reception on Friday, October 9th between 6pm – 8pm.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” – Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) in Alchemical Studies, Vol 13, paragraph 335 (pg 265)
Crypticon Horror Convention
Morbid Anatomy will be showing artwork at Crypticon Horror Convention at the Seattle Center between June 5-7, 2009.
‘Pharmakon’ – First Thursday (April 2nd) ArtWalk:
Morbid Anatomy will be Guest Artist for the month at Mikal Whoberry’s art studio:
619 Western Ave, 5th Floor South, Seattle, WA 98104
Pharmakon Photos
Here are a few images from the recent Pharmakon show at April Artwalk:
Photos by M. Graves
Scream, month of April
New and old works will be on display throughout April at Scream Barbershop on Capitol Hill:
819 E Thomas St, Seattle 98102
February/March @ Uncle Elizabeth’s Internet Cafe
Morbid Anatomy introduces new pieces at Uncle Elizabeth’s as part of the Capitol Hill ArtWalk on February 10 and March 10.
The two-month engagement can be seen at:
1123 Pike St., Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206-381-1600
Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday-Friday and 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday-Sunday
January @ Cafe Dharwin
14-20 pieces will be hanging at Cafe Dharwin during the month of January 2009. This is a smaller but very well-presented venue on 10th Avenue, north of Capitol Hill as you head to Roanoke.
Cafe Dharwin
2406 10th Ave East, Seattle WA 98102
One Night Show: “Hundred or Under”
Morbid Anatomy pieces will be available at “Hundred or Under” at Retrofit on December 9 from 5:00 – 8:00pm. All art at the show will be available for $100 or less!
1419 12th Avenue,
Seattle, WA 98122
Morbid Anatomy showing throughout the month of October.
Victrola Coffee, Inc.
411 15th Avenue East
Capitol Hill, Seattle.
More information:
“Known for her examination of the contrast and the inherent co-existence of beauty against what often is regarding as the macabre, artist Anita Arora’s new show ‘Post-Mortem’ reflects human nature and the parallels that manifest in not only the historic discoveries of anatomy but the complexities that make us who we are. In her new show ‘Post-Mortem’, Anita displays her latest works.”
1621 E Olive Way, Seattle, WA 98102-5612
Dates: July-August 2008
Kascadia Deviant Arts Show ’08
619 Western Ave, Seattle – 4th Floor South.
Dates: May 2008 Art Walk